Delivering Exceptional Performance to Help MPG Clients Win in Today’s Marketplace
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra, Jimmy Johnson once said. So true. At MPG, we are driven by our commitment to provide you with extraordinary talent – talent who continue to raise the bar, going above and beyond to deliver exceptional performance that is helping MPG clients win big in today’s rapidly evolving, omnichannel marketplace. Please join us in celebrating our 2023 MPG Inspirational Performance Award winners. We are so grateful to have these amazing professionals on our team, and we hope you are, too!
And please extend a special congratulations to Marketplace Intel/Category Management Director Heather Grantham, who was awarded the first annual Rhonda A. Johnson Inspirational Performance Award, in honor of our dear friend and colleague, who always brought incredible passion, commitment, and the highest levels of performance to her clients.